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Securing the internal network

Securing the internal network| Paradigm The Virtual Private Network (VPN) service offers a wide range of applications and allows immediate access to all or part of the LAN (Local Area Network) via an Internet connection. Data is optimally protected, with no consequences for the user, as the browsing speed is not disturbed.

The Virtual Private Network (VPN) service offers a wide range of applications and allows immediate access to all or part of the LAN (Local Area Network) via an Internet connection. Data is optimally protected, with no consequences for the user, as the browsing speed is not disturbed. 

The virtual private network facilitates telecommuting   

The private network service facilitates telecommuting, remote maintenance and business continuity if it is impossible to access the workplace (e.g. strike, illness, alarm). The only prerequisite for the introduction of a VPN is that the network is equipped with an IPsec-compatible firewall so that all the security parameters can be controlled

The Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a practical and reassuring solution that allows the continuity of remote services. The VPN allows administrations to protect their data even when employees use a personal network. ​ 

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