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Hosting on virtual private servers

The Paradigm offers three levels of hosting services. Virtual Private Server is the intermediate level, offering a hosting space equipped with an operating system. As such, administrations do not have to manage a server room, physical components and the system layer.

Paradigm offers three levels of hosting services. Virtual Private Server is the intermediate level, offering a hosting space equipped with an operating system. As such, administrations do not have to manage a server room, physical components and the system layer. 

Every customer who subscribes to a hosting solution is also entitled to a DNS solution.  

How Infrastructure as a Service works 

At the partner's request, Paradigm provides a blank hosting space equipped with one of the following operating systems: CentOS, Red Hat, Windows or AIX.  

Virtual Private Server (ou IaaS)

A hosting space equipped with an operating system

With IaaS, the partner does not have to manage a server room, the system layer and shared components. They remain responsible for the administration of their hosting space, the published content, the additional licences and components they would have installed, as well as the security measures (e.g. patches, updates) of the application layer and the middleware layer. 

This space is placed in a production area, a training or testing area before going into production, or a development area.  

This space is: 

  • monitored appropriately; 
  • accessible from outside through a redundant link; 
  • placed in a high-availability data centre. 

The Virtual Private Server service offers a hosting space equipped with an operating system. Administrations retain the management of the layers above the operating system pre-installed by Paradigm and no longer have to manage a server room, the physical components and the system layer. 

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