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Electronic signature of documents

Electronic signature of documents | Paradigm eSign is Paradigm's regional web and mobile e-signature platform that enables administrations to become more efficient by digitising their approval workflows. Institutions can sign or request a signature within the legal framework both internally and externally.

eSign is Paradigm's regional web and mobile e-signature platform that enables administrations to become more efficient by digitising their approval workflows. Institutions can sign or request a signature within the legal framework both internally and externally. 

Improving service and increasing efficiency

eSign allows you to sign documents via a web and mobile application. It facilitates the implementation of a digital approval process by reducing time and costs to allow the completion of an administrative procedure. eSign is accessible from any medium (PC, tablet or smartphone) and can be integrated with various regional tools and business platforms as a cross-cutting component. The tool is also easy to integrate as it includes rest-api based integration capabilities. 

Electronically sign documents online 

With eSign, you can electronically sign a document from any medium.  Here is the list of the service's features: 

  • signatures: simple, advanced, qualified 
  • seals: qualified 
  • other: validations, time stamps, batch signatures 

As Paradigm's regional web and mobile e-signature platform, eSign enables administrations to become more efficient by digitising their workflows in accordance with the legal framework. Administrations enjoy improved service and considerable time savings when they need to provide an electronic signature.  

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